Blob Flag, Rare item. Can choose any colour you want. It will never rain these and will only be given by a mod. Not Tradable
Blob shoes. Everyone can get these shoes! Can choose any colour you want. I can be rained and can be given be given by mods. Tradable
Skateboard. For everyone. Can choose colour wheels. It can be rained but not often. Awesome trick is that the wheels move. Tradable
It CAN not be rained. Mods can not give it to you. You can only get it from Blob Santa.Blob Watch. For everyone. Can choose colour. It can be rained. Also does an awesome trick, the watch moves. (Does not tell you the real time) . Mods can give it to you. Tradable
Slime Flag. Rare flag, can choose any colour you want. It will never be rained and can only be given by Slime.